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Amu Hinamori tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Amu Hinamori? Amu Hinamori adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, 4w3 - sp/so - 461 di enneagram, RLOAI dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

Now that we think she is 4 core let’s talk about the subtypes Disclaimer: I last watched this when I was about 12 so it’s hazy in my mind I believe she shows no sx4 characteristics So4 is somewhat apparent, probably equally so with sp4. She fears other peoples gossip and rumours, she is self critical and compares herself to others before the character development. Sp4 fits best in my opinion, in the later seasons she feels immense guilt and self-blame for the trouble she causes those around her and as a result isolates. The whole cool and spicy act is also just a wall she built up, she’s pretty stoic and self sufficient in general so sp4 fits best.


The main protagonist. Everybody sees Amu Hinamori as a "Cool and Spicy" girl. In reality, however, she's really just a clumsy girl who really has no clue, like the majority of the student population. This changes, however, when she wakes up to find three eggs, each containing a different Character Change, aka an aspect of the personality she wants to be: Ran (Amulet Heart) makes her outgoing and athletic, Miki (Amulet Spade) makes her cool and artistic, and Suu (Amulet Clover) makes her sweet and domestic. When the Guardians, the school's student council, finds out about this, they invite her into their circle — because she, with three Guardian Characters, has the perfect qualifications for the Joker's Chair.

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