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  3. Drakengard 3

Four tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Four? Four adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 2w3 - sp/so - 261 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

"Look at you, lecturing me to make yourself look better. You really are a shrew, you know that?" -Gabriella I like how she's presented as the good intoner initially but then you realize just how toxic she actually is. Don't get the aux Si though, she has no Ne. She's obviously a Se user - both self conscious about her self image and how she interprets actions head-on rather than through the lens of previous experiences unlike Two who's an obvious ESFJ.


Four speaks and acts with grace and has the refined personality of a good and responsible listener. She loves and cares about her sisters, even though sometimes she was teased by them. Four is revealed to be very particular and concise about cooking her food in a very healthy manner, as if she were serving medicine rather than a meal. She also has a dislike of killing other people, even the soldiers of the tyrant lords, but she does it for One, whom she highly respects. She often attempts to gloss over the killing by rephrasing it. However, she still displays much reluctance when it comes to the notion of harming or killing Zero.
