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  3. The Boondocks (2005)

Riley "Escobar" Freeman tipe kepribadian MBTI

Riley "Escobar" Freeman tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Riley "Escobar" Freeman? Riley "Escobar" Freeman adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 873 di enneagram, SLUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

Y’all are slow Fr, you think just because he’s aggressive competitive and physical he’s a 8? Just stop, a true 8 would be more Lamilton 8’s have a list for doing the few things they want and actively pursue with such ferocity we can look like workaholics. In reality we are impatient in pursuit of what we want because we want it done now Riley is a 7. He is more freedom oriented and doesn’t ever express wanting control over anything really, not even his own life. He would rather be free to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and any form of personal control he would deem as too restrictive for his lifestyle. He is more imaginative than realistic, seeing the gangster lifestyle as something to go after, yet he folds whenever in an actual situation with pressure placed on him. 7 with strong 8 wing


Riley Freeman is a character from the syndicated comic strip The Boondocks written by Aaron McGruder and its TV series adaptation. He often refers to himself as "Riley Escobar," and in season two of the TV series, he also refers to himself as "Young Reezy." He is Huey's younger brother who aspires to be like the rap artists and the gangsters that he admires.

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