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  3. Angel

Charles Gunn tipe kepribadian MBTI

Charles Gunn tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Charles Gunn? Charles Gunn adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 826 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."


Orphaned at a young age, Gunn finds himself living on the streets of LA and fighting vampires to survive, eventually forming his own crew of youths from similar backgrounds. After Angel helps the crew out in a turf war against a gang of vampires, Gunn in turn helps Angel and co. in a number of situations, slowly moving away from the streets and becoming a part of Angel Investigations. Street-wise and an accomplished fighter, Gunn nevertheless harbours insecurities that he is nothing more than 'dumb muscle.'
