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Chuck Rhoades tipe kepribadian MBTI

Chuck Rhoades tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Chuck Rhoades? Chuck Rhoades adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 8w9 - - 835 di enneagram, SCOEI dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."

He's an ESTJ with an ego. Getting obsessed with an ENTJ because he doesn't like how the ENTJ doesn't conform to the rules and is popular for it. There's envy and it's not characteristic for an ESTJ to do what he did when they don't like someone. They take things personally and use "keeping the peace and order" as an excuse. I don't see ENTJ. Self-ambition isn't really a primary factor in his actions. He's just unhealthily obsessed. The scene where he cusses out the dog walker. Although supposed to be comical, ENTJs just won't care about trivial things like that. I don't even think they'll even notice. When ESTJs get douchey, this is how they look like. A good character to compare him to is Louis Litt from Suits.

