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  2. Film
  3. Baahubali (Film Series)

Devasena tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Devasena? Devasena adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."

She seems to have Fi yes that's true But we can clearly see how her Ni is most evident when she meets Baahubali who's playing pretend, where she says we can't rly judge him before we see what he does, hence aiming for the true potential behind any situation. Her Te is well driven as she wants her external environment to be more in control, and also tends to have big perfectionistic tendencies, eg. wanting to shoot 2 arrows at one time. However, her Fi is also well developed as she truly feels deeply and wants to do whats morally right, and speaks out strongly when it's anything against her moral values, eg. openly criticizing Maheshmati's unjust laws and rules according to her, and also apologizes when she feels she has been harsh and immoral. As for her Enneatype, 8 makes more sense, seeing how she wants to be in control, while also wanting her environment to be at peace, showing 9.

