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Hymen tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Hymen? Hymen adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 478 di enneagram, SCUAN dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Hymen (Ancient Greek: Ὑμήν), Hymenaios or Hymenaeus, in Hellenistic religion, is a god of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song. Related to the god's name, a hymenaios is a genre of Greek lyric poetry sung during the procession of the bride to the groom's house in which the god is addressed, in contrast to the Epithalamium, which is sung at the nuptial threshold. He is one of the winged love gods, the Erotes. Hymen is the son of Apollo and one of the muses, Clio or Calliope or Urania or Terpsichore.

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