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  3. Can't Think Straight

Yoon Jaehyuk tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Yoon Jaehyuk? Yoon Jaehyuk adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

The author claimed him to be a ENTP. however, i have some reasons as to why he isn't. first of all his obvious SE dom, Jaehyuk tries to make sense of every action he performs in his life, trust his guts and perceives everything through his senses and so he does this to others. like when he tries to apologise he only does it in actions (buying a meal and going on rides to see the sky at night). he also focus on the present moment and tries to take action neglecting the future, he basically doesn't think first and make his actions lead him. (here is a ex: when he knew garam was planning on living in a very poor quality apartment he immediately searched for other apartments for him in the same day. he didn't think twice about it nor did he care) throughout the series he doesn't think outside the box nor can he analyse and connect between the indifferences and possibilities that may occur. he only come up with the most possibilities that makes sense to him and to everyone, he even went to his friends to make sure his upcoming actions had a connection to the real world. not to mention his temper, he says stuff he never intendeds to do and just get carried away with his emotions instead of giving it a simple minute to think . sometimes the situation doesn't really needs this kind of reaction while this may be related more to his enneagram 8. Oher than the listed reasons, it's just me guessing by him implying the ESTP'S stereotypes. if he were actually a ENTP i wouldn't have seen him gets all worked up in small arguments, like i mean shouldn't he debate instead? lmao.


Komik web karakter yang mirip dengan Yoon Jaehyuk
