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  2. Televisi
  3. Love for Love's Sake

Tae Myung Ha tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Tae Myung Ha? Tae Myung Ha adalah tipe kepribadian ESFP di mbti, 8w7 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

- Spoilers- - He doesn't use Ne, not a single time that he consider possibilities, like first knowing that he is in a game, he doesn't even think and just play, or like when the death penalty appear, or when he doesn't know why Yeon Woo act certain way, Ne users will create many scenarios or what-if situations to ponder with. He instead has Ni, focus on one simply action/solution and follow it. - Se dom is pretty clear, how he tends to speak before thinking, fond of fighting, jump over the gate and run to Yeon Woo (without thinking), he prefer action and doing something immediately rather than any other way, and didn't consider or question his information and actions much. - Fi aux "I don't like how this story ends" "I don't like the protagonists, I prefer the lonely supporting character" "Don't say 'someone like me' ", to the glasses guy when he is being insecure. "Don't you ever feel happy when you run?" to Yeon Woo None of his values comes from personal objective logical analyses (Ti) and doesn't consider social frameworks of shared values and feelings either (Fe). It is his subjective opinion formed based on either his feeling, like/dislike or judgement (right or wrong). The guy also bluntly ignores those he doesn't care, like the girl or the ESTP guy, to the point of telling them to go away or telling them that they are annoying. He is just being true to himself without any care about social aspects like harmony. Fe uses are pressured by social harmony even if it is low. - Te & Ni, he just pick the obvious solution and try to achieve the objective, very direct in how he solve thing and doesn't question much about anything since his Ni is inferior.


Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Tae Myung Ha
