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Kotone Fujita tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Kotone Fujita? Kotone Fujita adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 2w3 - sp/sx - 279 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

Kotone Fujita is ESFJ SP2. "I love being praised! I love those who praise me! And I love~ all of my fans♪" Kotone's greediness and expressive nature illustrate the self-preservation 2’s tendency to ensure their needs are met. Her expressiveness is a way to connect with others and seek validation, the desire to feel valued and appreciated. Despite her low self-esteem, Kotone is confident in her dancing skills and her appearance, indicating a complex mix of self-assurance and insecurity. This false pridefulness, hidden under her low self-confidence, is a hallmark of self-preservation 2s who often mask their vulnerabilities with a facade of competence and charm. Moreover, Kotone's ambition to turn her life around and her desire to be seen as independent highlight another key aspect of self-preservation 2s. They strive to improve their circumstances through their efforts, seeking to establish a sense of independence while still craving acknowledgment and support from others. Her conflict with the Student Council President, Sena, who overestimates her abilities, can be seen as a reaction to feeling misunderstood. Self-preservation 2s can be sensitive to misjudgment, as it threatens their sense of security and self-worth. Kotone's behavior also includes a touch of childishness and anti-intellectualism, often resisting academic pursuits in favor of more practical or immediate goals like dancing and earning money. This focus on tangible achievements over intellectual accomplishments is another characteristic of the self-preservation subtype. Also, Kotone is ESFJ over ESFP. Emphasis on Social Relationships (Fe): Kotone's ability to create a false image of herself and manipulate her surroundings to be more likable, such as with Temari and Saki, indicates a strong use of Extraverted Feeling (Fe). She is highly aware of social dynamics and adept at adjusting her behavior to meet the expectations of others and gain their approval. This focus on harmony and social acceptance is characteristic of ESFJs. Kotone’s ability to create a likable image and her interactions with others suggest she prioritizes external harmony over internal values. While ESFPs use Introverted Feeling (Fi) to stay true to their personal values, Kotone’s behavior aligns more with Extraverted Feeling (Fe), as she adapts her persona to fit what she believes others will find appealing (in this case she wants an image that would her her earn money instead.) Kotone's focus on practical goals, like becoming a "money-making idol," and her concern with financial stability suggest a preference for Introverted Sensing (Si). She seems less driven by exploring new possibilities and more by ensuring a stable and secure path. Let's not forget that what she wants is to provide for her family in the countryside. She is practical and grounded. Even by letters, I think Kotone fits ESFJ over any other type. She is hardworking and charming. She has poor grades because she has too much on her plate, but she is far from lazy.


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