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The Court Offices tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu The Court Offices? The Court Offices adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 2w1 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Various court offices, ranging from the sénéchal, whose position is akin to that of a butler in a great aristocratic household in Britain, to various smaller ranks such as the grand moutardier of the papal court in Avignon (yes, he was in charge of the pope's mustard). Some of these offices became much more important than their original circle of duties over time, thus the chancellor, originally the head of the king's chancelry and in charge of writing his documents, became the title of the king's most important official advisor, while marshal (the word originally meant "horse-servant") became a high military rank. In the Holy Roman Empire the seven princes-elector held the key court offices as herditary ranks, but only acted in the respective capacities during the coronation ceremonies, on other occasions these functions were fulfilled by others.
