1. Orang & karakter
  2. Kartun
  3. Pretty Blood

Eluca tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Eluca? Eluca adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 548 di enneagram, RLOEI dalam Big 5, LII dalam socionics."

certainly an ISTP. or at least ISTx BUT NOT INTJ BRO. His Ni is not that good. Definitely a stressed ISTP because their Ti in moderate stress becomes dominant which makes them lash out at those who they believe are causing stress, and he is rebellious against rules. as we can see eluca hated happy malino and wanted to harm them and well did not followed any rules but his own. definitely an introvert and sensing rather than intuitive because his idea to let malino be alive after taking their talents seem to be like a spontaneous idea rather than planned, and he is definitely in touch with what occurs in the present rather than in the future. BRO LIKE 100% T AND NOT F. perceiving because he in fact planned less he definitely don't use his Fe. moreover when Eluca had to visit Kling he in fact did know that this idea was quite bad but still risked not thinking about the consequences which is not quite N or J


Eluca is a friend of Rinny, who corrupted him and turned him into a violent maniac like her. However, instead of becoming a serial killer like Rinny, Eluca turned into a serial torturer, abducting innocent malinos and mutilating them in such a way that makes them incapable of pursuing their dreams (for example, cutting out a popstar's tongue, cutting off a pianist's hands, etc). He became known in the media as the "Dream Terror".

Kartun karakter yang mirip dengan Eluca
