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  2. Film
  3. Furiosa (2024)

Furiosa Jabassa tipe kepribadian MBTI

Furiosa Jabassa tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Furiosa Jabassa? Furiosa Jabassa adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 862 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."

Not the same character as in fury road. Here she's clearly driven by one or two Ni goals, and live in the present, adapting with her Se to survive like an animal would do. I did'nt see any Te ! And Ni is too behind her Se for I see her as an ENTJ. Besides, she's nothing but an individualist: watch the first scene where she tells her friend to flee while she's doing all the impulsive stuff. For me the key argument is that she did'nt speak for years, waiting and thinking, thats pure Ti/Ni! an ENTJ, even a polytraumatised one, would at least try to bond some relations or to influence their social realm, making it a leverage to hierarchy. I don't see that much Fe... and maybe more Fi, that's the only thing that could make me doubt.


Imperator Furiosa Jabassa is a fictional character in the Mad Max franchise. Introduced in Mad Max: Fury Road and portrayed by Charlize Theron, she serves as an officer in Immortan Joe's army but turns against him in order to free "The Five Wives", Joe's female sex slaves. Returning in the Prequel and portrayed by Anna Taylor Joy, she is a kidnapped child turned warrior, driven by an endless pursuit to get home.

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