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Gavin Eisenbeisz (Two Star Games) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Gavin Eisenbeisz (Two Star Games) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Gavin Eisenbeisz (Two Star Games)? Gavin Eisenbeisz (Two Star Games) adalah tipe kepribadian ENFP di mbti, 7w8 - - 738 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


The game developer of Choo Choo Charles who decided to go out of his way and create a 'Nightmare Mode', intended to increase the difficulty! "Hello! I have been doing solo video game development since 2013, and started using Unreal Engine 4 in 2014. Since starting, I have published two iOS games, and three PC games on Steam, including the popular narrative experience, My Friend is a Raven. I am currently developing a horror game titled My Beautiful Paper Smile, which has already gained recognition for Epic Games, won the Best Horror Award at Dreamhack Atlanta 2019, and received praise from some of the most popular gaming influencers in the world. I haven't gone through any formal education regarding game development, but have taught myself UE4, Blender, and Gimp, which are the main tools I use. I have used many other small programs as well over the years. As well as game development, I am very skilled in video production, and have made multiple trailers for my previous games."

Penting selebriti mirip dengan Gavin Eisenbeisz (Two Star Games)
