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Ceroba Ketsukane tipe kepribadian MBTI

Ceroba Ketsukane tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Ceroba Ketsukane? Ceroba Ketsukane adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 416 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, ESI dalam socionics."

I feel like this page is completely backward. Ceroba represents some heavily suppressed Ne. She's so focused on honoring the dying wish of her husband and the sacrifice of her daughter that she refuses to entertain any other option than what has been given to her by the former's old tapes. It is only at her weakest moment, at the end of her rope, that she's open to the greatest change and sees a new perspective that alters her view of the way that things are and how they could be. Moreover, with regard to Extraverted Feeling - I think this is best demonstrated with her relationship with Starlo. She sees right through him and knows that he's putting on an act that isn't really who he is, and is the only one who's able to reach him when he's at his weakest. Contrary to Fi - it's never about her own ideas of what's right or wrong, it's never about her place in the world, it's about doing what she feels she has to do to do right by the people she was close to and cared for. She's honestly a lot like Asgore. A personal life and family history marked by tragedy, not wanting to hurt anyone but feeling like they need to in order to have done right by the people they valued. Failing to perceive, or otherwise even acknowledge, other possible outcomes - but while Asgore's Fe extends to the plight of all monsters of the underground, Ceroba's is much more personal and intimate. I say she possesses an unhealthy expression of Si-Fe-Ti with heavily suppressed Ne.


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