Jae Heydari tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Jae Heydari? Jae Heydari adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, - - 478 di enneagram, SLUAI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

The diplomatic, frivolous and money-grubbing businesswoman is just her persona. She is extremely insecure inside, which is particularly obvious in the romantic plot. In Chapter 2, she repeatedly tests the protagonist's tolerance for her in the name of giving gifts. After she joined the protagonist's team, she immediately asked for material support. If she hadn't been taken to Commorragh and her true identity hadn't been exposed, she really planned to hide her true origin and original personality from the protagonist forever. This is definitely not the 4 fix who "would rather be hated for her truth than loved for her disguise." (Additional information: She would be incapable of disguising herself in Commorragh out of fear and desperation.) When the protagonist expressed complete acceptance of her true identity, she finally felt relieved and returned the treasure she had earned recently by relying on the protagonist's power. This shows that the excessive wealth she had asked for was mainly used to make up for her insecurity. In the final companion mission, she wants to seize the core member status of the criminal group. The leader is her ex-boyfriend who has a grudge against her, so she has to bring the protagonist to support her and show affection to cut off the bad relationship (if the protagonist is too rough with the ex-boyfriend, Instead, it adds fuel to the fire). When she was not chosen by the protagonist in the plot of choosing a lover, she was unusually generous. She probably knew that she had asked for too much. If she continued to be as strong as in the early stage, she might annoy the protagonist, and losing her backer would not be worth it. After that, she was secretly depressed and forced to smile because of the breakup. She did not actively show or confide this vulnerable side to anyone, which was also a kind of mental self-protection.


Jae Heydari is a Companion in Rogue Trader. Jae Heydari is a cunning Officer whose precision with guns is only matched by her social and financial acumen.

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