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Allen Sugasano tipe kepribadian MBTI

Allen Sugasano tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Allen Sugasano? Allen Sugasano adalah tipe kepribadian ENFP di mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 749 di enneagram, SLUAI dalam Big 5, IEE dalam socionics."

FINALLY WRITING AN ARGUMENT FOR ALLEN!!! (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS SO BE CAREFUL) i'd really like to say that he for sure uses fi which is pretty obvious with all of his passion about music, it is one of his functions but i don't think it's his dominant function. i think he's clear and obvious ENFP. he's always in his ideas for hiphop (ne dom), sometimes even too much to care for his own health (si inf), like it was in desire drama when anne and hajun would tell they should go home but allen was in his thoughts about new track, i feel like he kinda ne-te looped there (since he got an idea and wanted to do it no matter what), and he got a trap reaction in a dumb place even though he knows about it for sure (i feel like that could be si, in his forgetfulness of the rule and important things). i don't think he's se user, he seems to kinda be se blind, he's not that observant and not super aware of his surroundings as actual se user would. also, his ne-te proof is when he just freely without even thinking or considering cozmez time, came to their house without a warning and because of hiphop again, literally brought his sleeping bag to continue making music. like??? i understand you might say "se users are always random!!!", but ne-te is too! they get an idea and want an action/or even result right away no matter what. i apologize this argument might be super weird and not that good but at least something because seeing allen ISFP (or even ISFJ before which is even worse) drives me crazy


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Allen Sugasano
