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  3. 2020's Songs

Britney Manson - FASHION tipe kepribadian MBTI

Britney Manson - FASHION tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Britney Manson - FASHION? Britney Manson - FASHION adalah tipe kepribadian ESFP di mbti, 3w4 - sx/so - 378 di enneagram, SCOEI dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

this song is a constant stream of hollow materialism and the luxuries of fame, relishing and indulging in these luxuries. the lines of this song that show a SLIGHT hint of TeNi are completely nitpicked, ignoring the song as a WHOLE. I would understand where the ENTJ votes come from if this song was about the ambition for fame and success, working hard to achieve it, but it isn't, it's about someone who was nepo-babied into the fashion industry and brags about their silver-platter-served successful career. I have seen comments quoting lines such as "i'm a self made runway queen" to try and argument behind TeNi, which just evidences your total lack of reading comprehension, since the lyric right after adds "and my dad is Alexander McQueen" which means that the protagonist is in fact, NOT a "self made runway queen" plus, I think it's important to have in account that Britney Manson wrote this song as a satire of the modeling and fashion industry that benefits children and family of celebrities, models and designers. the people that make it hard for models like her to get a job. the people that usurp runways with their lack of actual modeling skills and then brag about the success that they "worked oh so hard for"

