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  3. Horizon Forbidden West

Walter Londra tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Walter Londra? Walter Londra adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Walter Londra was a mining magnate and CEO of Heaven¢, which specialized in asteroid mining, and founder of the multimedia company Londra Productions, which was recognized for creating the Pangea franchise. Londra was married to actress Evelyn Day, who played the Pangea heroine Jane. In 2050, Londra made his historical success in transferring an asteroid, dubbed "OPHELIA", to Earth's orbit and mining it close to the planet. For over a decade, Londra made his fortunes from his asteroid mining despite knowing that his operations were extremely risky to his miners, which he deemed as a necessary "price of progress" and that their deaths are a "lesson in complacency." After the Faro Plague was made known to the world, Londra joined Far Zenith and departed from Earth on the Odyssey while stranding his ex-wife to her doom.

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