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  3. Actors and Actresses (USA)

Kaitlyn Dever tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Kaitlyn Dever? Kaitlyn Dever adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 4w3 - sp/so - di enneagram, RLUAI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Something about her just reads Si user to me, which I realize isn't particularly definitive. However, based on the voting, I suspect others are reading that as well, although obviously others are not seeing it as dominant. Watching some interviews with her, she's pretty obviously a Jungian introvert. She's clearly self-referencing rather than referencing others/her environment. When asked questions, she often turns to the side not looking at the interviewer and clearly goes somewhere within herself for the answers. She seems to have a pretty solid understanding of herself and her likes and dislikes. Doesn't seem to be withholding a part of herself the way that an ISTJ often is. I would also say that she seems a little out of sync with her environment, so my initial read was INFP. Like, she's so busy figuring out her own thoughts sometimes that she isn't aware of the other person in the conversation. Again, not definitive, but she seemed more interested in her own catalogue of preferences than in puzzling out her logic and understanding of things as an INTP would be. People object to typing artists by their work, but I personally think it has to be at least somewhat relevant. Her songs with her sisters seem focused on emotions and relationships. They are also a combination of abstract and concrete that reads Ne-Si to me personally. Now, again, I don't know who is the impetus for their music, but Beulahbelle seems like the type of band an INFP would be a part of. For example, Kaitlyn confided in Kimmel that she and her sister had changed the name of the band numerous times and had finally realized that they "really needed to settle on something" for practical reasons. This reads high Fi-Ne capitulating to Te necessity to me. I dunno. In addition, the songs don't really read Ni to me in the slightest. There are numerous connections made and descriptions of tendencies through time (Ne). However, it's more drawing connections from past experiences (Si) than synthesis and symbolism as an Ni user would tend to do. The songs might bring up a tattoo, an apartment, a dress or some other concrete detail, but these are more examples from which they draw rather than representations in themselves in my view. For example, check out the lyrics for Being You: https://genius.com/Beulahbelle-being-you-lyrics Or Raleigh: https://genius.com/Beulahbelle-raleigh-lyrics So, my very inconclusive vote is for INFP, but I am VERY open to persuasion.


Kaitlyn Rochelle Dever (born December 21, 1996) is an American actress and singer-songwriter born in Phoenix, Arizona. She is best known for her role as Eve Baxter in Last Man Standing. Her father, Tim Dever, is an actor in his own right.

Budaya pop selebriti mirip dengan Kaitlyn Dever
