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Ryouko Fueguchi tipe kepribadian MBTI

Ryouko Fueguchi tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Ryouko Fueguchi? Ryouko Fueguchi adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - 469 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."


Ryouko Fueguchi (笛口 リョーコ, Fueguchi Ryōko) was the wife of Asaki Fueguchi and the mother of Hinami Fueguchi. She was known as suspect Number 73 in CCG's files. She was also killed by First Class Ghoul Investigator Kureo Mado. #FumikoOrikasa

Anime & Manga karakter yang mirip dengan Ryouko Fueguchi
