1. Orang & karakter
  2. Video game
  3. Disco Elysium

Cuno tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Cuno? Cuno adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 di enneagram, SLUEN dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

Speedhead or not, he is all about establishing independence and reminding people of his position as "king". His denial of weakness goes as far as referring to himself in third person and making up stories about his home situation, wtf is with these votes lol. While supposedly being "driven by anxiety" and relying on others' support, he actually denies his only dedicated back-up follower Cunoesse any influence over him once you start to reach common ground. He simply can't stand not coming out on top; Cunoesse also being the more wary and paranoid influence that's most prone to profanities but backs down during actual confrontation. No way he is a 6, probably not even in his tritype. Yet another case of someone being voted as one because they're annoying?


Kuuno de Ruyter, more commonly referred to as Cuno, is a character in Disco Elysium. Cuno is a foul-mouthed, speed-addicted youth first encountered throwing rocks at the hanged man's corpse. In response to his father's violence - who he lives with in the Capeside apartments up until just before the events of the game - Cuno developed a respect for brutality and power, as well as an infatuation with the RCM, seeking their validation It may have also inspired him to abandon his "lame" legal name for his nickname "Cuno", a name reminiscent of a "primal" force or "rabid dog". Having dropped out of school two years prior, Cuno now spends his days exploring the derelict city, vandalizing public property, building up his shack, and selling FALN gear on the side. He also steals goods from the lorries. Although he denies it repeatedly, Cuno enjoys reading the Man from Hjelmdall series.

Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Cuno
