Christian tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Christian? Christian adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 469 di enneagram, RLOAI dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

Struggling with bisexuality while being Christian is horrible. It’s like a huge weight on your shoulders, I never asked to be like this nor am I proud to be like this. It just turned out like this one day, I think I was homophobic at some point before I just accepted the fact I loved both men and women. Do I disgust God? Did he purposefully make me like this? Is it really a sin? I’ve seen multiple pastors talk about homosexuality as if people chose to be like this? Do you think anyone would be gay if they had a choice? No. I don’t think so. Personally I love LGBTQ friends but ironically even if I’m bi, it never felt to be a comfy spot for me, specially because I also like the opposite gender. I’ve read that homosexuality was a mistranslation of “men who lay with boys(arsenokoitai means pedophile)” and others say sexuality was a mystery back then, both of these confuse me. No matter how much I pray, I will never get rid of this, it’s not a sexual desire, it just happened. Eventually, I will understand why things came out like this, one day, maybe I will accept myself, one day I will discover something and maybe this weight goes away. I’ve seen pastors blatantly use stereotypes to explain why homosexuality is wrong. That all of them hate their parents, hate straight people, hate religion. The whole clapping from the people around me bothered me, are you not seeing this is stereotypical? I love everyone, I don’t wish hate on anyone. This is what most Christian mates can’t figure out about us—that we neve made a choice. There could be a natural reason, maybe it’s just genetics, maybe it’s just puberty, maybe it’s just what God wanted, idk… I’m perfectly healthy and happy. Cheers. But you know… I should stop concerning about this… it will bring me misery and more pain, I’ll be who I am, but I will always put God in first place no matter the cause, he’s my Lord and I love him. Thank you for reading this, really.


Christianity is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It is the world's largest religion, with about 2.5 billion followers. Its adherents, known as Christians, make up a majority of the population in 157 countries and territories, and believe that Jesus is the Christ, whose coming as the Messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament in Christianity) and chronicled in the New Testament.
