Family Man tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Family Man? Family Man adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - di enneagram, SCOAN dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Someone (quite possibly trolling) shows a quote which uses the word 'family' to describe sp7 skills at networking and forming alliances. They quote Naranjoe and use big words. And of course, everyone rushes to vote the sp7 'mafiaso' as the simple homebody, the dedicated husband who has eyes only for his wife. Yes, sp7 is the most likely of all 27 subtypes to give up their weekends to endless laundry, dutiful visits to aging in-laws and pretending to be a bear at soft play.....oh and don't forget to heap disdain on anyone voting 2 for something considered genuinely nice and selfless. This thread is peak pdb. Honestly, I think 9, social 9 especially is the best fit. A humble dude who is willing to put in the mundane work and self-sacrifice needed to raise a family, but isn't too demanding and can be a bit of a goofy big kid himself at times. 2 isn't such a bad vote, given their relationship focus, but pride might clash with the simplicity of the family mans aspirations, especially with the ambitious so2. Sp1 could also work.


A man with a wife (or long-term partner) and children, especially one who enjoys home life.
