Kotonoha Kanade tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Kotonoha Kanade? Kotonoha Kanade adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

I relate a lot to her because of how she feels with her sense of normality but I’m sorry I just don’t like how they handled the last episode with her. SPOILERS FOR S2 FINALE BELOW (also trigger warning) Like I’m a tomboy I like wearing T-shirts and jeans, I’m not very feminine. But Kanade over here likes being violent with people and like some stuff that’s not very feminine I guess… and the fact that it wasn’t until she was almost gang r**** to figure out that she should be herself.. Also.. she likes Yukimura out of nowhere and S3 might be a harem anime now?!? *point is they butchered her character.. I hated this finale.. I liked her character but I’m pretty sure even after this episode next season she’s gonna be the exact same as she was in S1* sorry for the rant.. stay safe you guys


Height: 162 cm Weight: ? Blood type: B Hobbies: Making sweets, Shōjo manga Favourite foods: Snacks, sweets Favourite phrase: "Halcyon days" Idol: Mr. Sayama, her middle school homeroom teacher Future goals: Still thinking about it Research area: Travelling salesman problem An undergraduate senior girl working at Ikeda Lab for her final project, who also acts as the voice of reason for the cast.

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