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  2. Teater
  3. Epic: The Musical

Sirenelope tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Sirenelope? Sirenelope adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 3w2 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

This song is so catchy, I couldn't help coming her to see if anyone has been analysing Siren Penelope, and I'm surprised no one has interpreted her as a Fe dom. I mean, I can kind of see where the ENTJ votes are coming from if you see her attempts to manipulate Odysseus as a calculated, Te-Ni-driven action plan. The ESFP votes, however, I have no idea. As for why I think Sirenelope is a Fe dom (ignoring the stereotype of sirens being Fe doms): Siren Penelope is highly focused on Odysseus' emotional state and tries to manipulate his feelings by offering to "take the suffering" away from him. In the lyrics, she consistently offers emotional reassurances, emphasizing care and connection, which are hallmark behaviours of an Fe user. "Penelope, I’ve told you this before / You know I’m afraid of the water" "I’ll make sure that you are safe and sound" - Sirenelope acknowledges Odysseus's fear and takes note of his emotional state, then offers emotional reassurance and promising safety. "Come play with me and our daughter / And let’s watch our love leave the ground" - Sirenelope appeals to the idea of family and shared love, trying to create an emotional connection by invoking a vision of their love and happiness together. "I would take the suffering from you" - Sirenelope repeatedly offers to alleviate Odysseus's suffering, emphasizing her (although fake) willingness to care for him and take on his emotional burdens. On a short additional note, I also find her way of using her knowledge to answer Odysseus' question, eventually suggesting "sailing where [Poseidon] is scared to roam.", more Ni-like. Her suggestion isn't immediately obvious, which makes it seem more like an intuitively, insight-driven approach.


The Siren version of Penelope is seen in the duet song 'Suffering' as with Odysseus. She pretends to be his wife and get him to jump in the water in order to make him her food.

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