Harvey Dent tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Harvey Dent? Harvey Dent adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 3w2 - - di enneagram, SCOEI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

He had a strong sense of morals before, but given his deals with Rupert Thorne and reports from the Gordons in the show, he has betrayed it multiple times on his own and put his thumb on the law to get his way. In a way, he struggles with upholding this moral code when he was so corrupt already (Fi is likely weak). He was clearly set on abusing and using reality and means to his end to win the election and in the end gave up because of his accident. In the same way to Commissioner Gordon, he then starts to ramble on how he doesn't deserve any help after everything he did, he deserved to rot (Te-Fi, negating Barb's victim of circumstance Fe promoting mentality). Ni-Se is again more of an instinctive analysis. He shows that he is very willing to take everything at face value and change reality into what he wants, and doesn't believe he has an incomplete view of reality or distrust any other person's judgments, he is convinced that what they say is always what they mean (Se-Ni).


This version of Gotham City's "Dashing D.A." is much more corrupt than his "White Knight" counterparts across the DC multiverse prior to his horrific scarring.

Pahlawan super karakter yang mirip dengan Harvey Dent
