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  2. Televisi
  3. The Last of Us (HBO)

Dr. Ratna Pertiwi tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Dr. Ratna Pertiwi? Dr. Ratna Pertiwi adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 1w2 - so/sp - 163 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Definitely the perfect example of a ESTJ Te - Si - Ne - Fi. The way she use Te Si to apply his knowledge to understand the situation and say "bomb" because there's is no other choice is pretty good. This a ESTJ, no Kathleen, she is a ESFJ.


Doctor Ratna Pertiwi is a supporting character in HBO's The Last of Us. She was a professor of mycology at the University of Indonesia before the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak. Ratna was polite, brushing off Agus' apology for interrupting her lunch. She was quite observant, noticing the use of chlorazol to prepare the Ophiocordyceps slide, and correctly identifying the corpse's bite mark as human. She took her work in the field of mycology very seriously, questioning the nigh-unthinkable prospect of Cordyceps surviving in humans. Her knowledge on the subject left her in the unique position of having to inform Agus that there was no cure, and the only way to stop an outbreak was to wipe out the entire city. Despite the dire circumstances, Ratna kept a brave face as she shared the information, only to lose some of her composure as she decided she wished to be with her family during that time. Ratna is portrayed by Christine Hakim, who is a major figure in Indonesian cinema.

Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Dr. Ratna Pertiwi
