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  2. Pahlawan super
  3. Madame Web (2024)

Cassandra Webb / Madame Web tipe kepribadian MBTI

Cassandra Webb / Madame Web tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Cassandra Webb / Madame Web? Cassandra Webb / Madame Web adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 648 di enneagram, RLUEN dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."

Quick and Agile reasoning (in the moment with very simple long term planning)- High Ti-Se -Ambulance scene -Bridge scene -Saving the girls in the diner Constantly doubts that her actions can affect the future of her visions and convinces herself nothing will change (immature but developing tertiary Ni) -Pigeon scene -Truck crash etc. Socially awkward yet tries to fit in, low emotional regulation or control (underdeveloped Fe) -When the kid thanks her for saving his mom but she doesn't know how to react -Baby shower -Outburst at the girls in the car after saving them at the diner


Cassandra Webb is a paraplegic blind woman, and former New York City Fire Department paramedic. After a near-death experience triggered her clairvoyant powers, Webb was forced to use her new abilities to protect Julia Cornwall, Mattie Franklin and Anya Corazón from Ezekiel Sims. After saving the girls, she lost her sight and became a paraplegic. This helped her control and increase her powers, now known as Madame Web.

Pahlawan super karakter yang mirip dengan Cassandra Webb / Madame Web
