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  3. Record of Youth

Sa Hye-Jun tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Sa Hye-Jun? Sa Hye-Jun adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 4w3 - sp/so - 416 di enneagram, RLOAI dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."

I quickly knew he'd be an INFJ 4w3 because he's quite skeptic, insightful, honest, caring, thoughtful, and righteous. As a 4w3, he'd show more personal emotions, try to prove who he is and because he grew up with 2 toxic relatives (dad and brother), them and other people didn't acknowledge him until later in the series. Generally INFJs with type 4 have higher Fi than an average INFJ and are more sensitive, expressive and authentic than average INFJs which makes them seem like an Fi dom. He has a complicated family where his dad and brother didn't acknowledge him, his mom never stood up for him (affecting him as an INFJ and 4w3). Every time him and his family argue, Hyejun gets annoyed with how narrow-minded and selfish they are (affecting his NiFe). He often demonstrates INFJ functions well because he listens to understand truth and usually in crucial moments (Se). But the people hes surrounded by are too selfish and ignorant which affects mainly Fe and Se and he gets frustrated easily (e4). Reason why he has good Te is cause he wanna put himself out there just prove his worth (4w3). He has more Se than Si cause hes often focusing on the present and future. He doesnt have Ne>Ni cause his Ni focuses on one goal and its to prove his worth while also trying to maintain social harmony


Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Sa Hye-Jun
