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  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Yuri (Joeri) tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Yuri (Joeri)? Yuri (Joeri) adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 783 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

After rewatching a few episodes, I think that Yuri is an ESTJ with his incredible loyalty to Leo, as well as his taunting/affirmations mid duel being sort of Te-Ne. However, in the dub, he's been adapted more into an ESTP.They state that Starving Venom represents not only Z-Arc's lust for power (Which was how it was in the sub, confirming Te) but also his secret desire for everyone's affection, which is Tertiary Fe. Additionally, in the sub, Yuri's lonliness was written as more like unhealthy Si, but in the dub, it tied into Starving Venom's new symbolism. Additionally, his tauting in the dub came off more like he was a predator rather than it being his job to hunt duelists.


One of Academia's elite duelists, Yuri is a sadistic enforcer for the Professor. He believes that only the winner of a duel may be happy, and exhibits sociopathic tendencies as he cards every opponent in his destructive wake. Alone as a child with no family or friends, his harsh dueling that had ostracized him became his reason for care by the professor- or so it seemed.

Anime & Manga karakter yang mirip dengan Yuri (Joeri)
