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  2. Film
  3. The Descent

Sarah Carter tipe kepribadian MBTI

Sarah Carter tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Sarah Carter? Sarah Carter adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 612 di enneagram, RLOEN dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

FI is evident in how she deals with Juno's betrayal and the loss of her family. Rather than discuss the matter outside the cave, she acts impulsively and puts everyone's lives at risk. Se: She is aware of the physical world and is able to appreciate the sensory things around her. She is adventurous and enjoys the outdoors, but also has a tendency to overwork and tire easily. In the scene where she has a vision of her dead daughter, she is accessing her Ni function to gain a deeper understanding of what is happening to her. Another example would be when she questions Juno's leadership, as she may sense that something isn't quite right, even though doesn't have concrete evidence to support that intuition. Lower TE led her to act impulsively and irrationally, in addition to having difficulty organizing and planning her actions strategically. She seem to prefer to act on her momentary desires without considering the long-term consequences of her actions.


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