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Hina Nakamura (SMROOKIES) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Hina Nakamura (SMROOKIES) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Hina Nakamura (SMROOKIES)? Hina Nakamura (SMROOKIES) adalah tipe kepribadian ENFP di mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 947 di enneagram, SCUAI dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

miss her ttttttt :, ESTP votes whyy hmmm


Nakamura Hina (なかむら ひな), better known by the mononym Hina (히나), is a former Japanese-Korean trainee from Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture in SM Entertainment, and member of the pre-debut training team named SMROOKIES established in 2013. She was introduced on July 8, 2015, and along with Super Junior's Leeteuk as host, NCT Dream's Mark, Jeno, Haechan, and Jaemin, and the rest of SR15G, appeared as a Mouseketeer on the Korean Mickey Mouse Club. Her contract with SM expired in October 2020.

K Pop selebriti mirip dengan Hina Nakamura (SMROOKIES)
