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  2. Video game
  3. Reverse: 1999

Jessica tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Jessica? Jessica adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 2w1 - sp/so - 296 di enneagram, SLOAN dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

Has anyone considered ESFJ? After finishing reading the story she seems to rely more on Fe than Si, and Ne over Ti. So, she clearly uses Si, however in the last part of the story after it's revealed she's the writer of the story I can see Si-Ne on how she uses Blonney's childhood stories to create yet more stories, I can't really see Ne being her inferior function. Inferior Ti can be seen in how she avoids rationalizing her actions, insisting on her actions being for the wellbeing of her friends (Fe). Even if we associated personal convictions with Ti, something I had been suggested before, I don't think this would make much sense. As while I do think she clearly seems to value Ti over Te, we have to remember that Fe is a judging function. Unlike ISFJ, a type with higher Ti, which would likely be able to explain their beliefs by thinking, Jessica is unable to explain her beliefs through that method, as she simply feels that she's doing the right thing - hinting at it being on a deeper level of unconsciousness. Therefore, having strong personal beliefs in the Extroverted Feeling sphere doesn't necessarily correlate with high Ti, usually Fe-dominant people often hold their moral beliefs more strongly that tertiary Ti users due to Judging > Perceiving. As for self-preservation Two, I think it's seen a lot later on in the story. I thought that this quote of hers describes her general behavior pretty well. (Credits to a friend of mine for originally sending me the quote along with the quote itself, they chose not to be mentioned. ^^): > “Why, why? I will give you everything I can give you„ (So she's loved in return.) > “The little button, sweet fruit, bed of moss, and cup of dew...„ Jessica is shown to act very selflessly early on, tending to whatever is needed of her, even volunteering herself to do things without being asked to do so. It is however, later revealed that she was doing this as a way to be loved back by having Blonney, Vertin, and the rest stay with her. This fits with the self-preservation Two narrative of counting every favor done under the expectation to get something in return, to be loved and spared despite her flaws, because of everything she's done.


Arcanist | Jessica The desolate campground welcomed a guest named Jennifer, who brought with her many stories. Jessica learned a lot from her stories. These were beautiful and precious days, but they were also short-lived. "Come play with us!"

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