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The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues tipe kepribadian MBTI

The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues? The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 469 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."

I assume that there are people that are looking at the tone of the song and the ‘big idea’ of the modern view of daddy issues rather than the lyrics themselves, hence they vote ISTP. This song isn’t about just about daddy issues alone, it’s also about how he wants to comfort the girl he’s singing about in the song since she suffers from daddy issues, and he understands her pain since he suffers from it as well. That is why I believe this song has strong Ni along with Fe (uses his past experience with daddy issues and understanding of it to comfort the girl), and to why I believe this song is INFJ. For lyrics reference: ‘You ask me what I’m thinking about, I tell you that I’m thinking about, whatever you’re thinking about.’ (her needs and thoughts are also his needs and thoughts) ‘Go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do, I know how much it matters to you, I know that you got daddy issues’ (he is completely understanding of what she is going through and is listening to her) ‘And if you were my little girl, I’d do anything I'd do whatever I could do I'd run away and hide with you’ (he would do anything to comfort her to make her feel better) ‘I love that she’s got daddy issues, and I do too’ (I’d say this line is more of a wrapping line for the complete understanding of his motive. From my interpretation, I believe that he could be glad that he can help the girl since he knows what it’s like to go through what she’s going through.) Please feel free to give your opinion


"Daddy Issues" is the sixth song by American alternative band The Neighbourhood from their second studio album, Wiped Out!. It was released as the album's fourth and final single on May 5th, 2016 by Columbia Records.
