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Leila Hormozi tipe kepribadian MBTI

Leila Hormozi tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Leila Hormozi? Leila Hormozi adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 385 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

This individual demonstrably utilizes the cognitive functions of introverted intuition (Ni) and extraverted thinking (Te), exhibiting the following traits: a tendency to eschew inquiries about someone's past (Ni), a knack for predicting colleagues' future success by devising long-term plans (Ni-Te), a poor memory (Ni) and low reliance on sensing (Si/Se), a preference for using social media exclusively to promote her business interests (Te-Ni), a desire to collaborate with her husband for mutual growth rather than assuming a traditional homemaker role (Ni-Te), a focus on growth and ambition above all else (Te-Ni), a willingness to trust her dating partner's business proposition despite knowing little about him (Ni-Te), and a strong value for knowledge acquisition, consuming media only to expand her wisdom (Enneagram 5). She has also mentioned being a perfectionist on YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/2LXiygfzFpg


Leila Hormozi is a first generation Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. She ascended to a board position in each of her companies, allowing her the time to co-found Acquisition.com which acts as the holding company for all her business ventures, which at present are responsible for over $85,000,000 in yearly revenue across a variety of industries. https://www.acquisition.com/bio-leila-2

Bisnis selebriti mirip dengan Leila Hormozi
