1. Orang & karakter
  2. Televisi
  3. Maria Clara at Ibarra (2022)

Padre Bernardo Salvi tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Padre Bernardo Salvi? Padre Bernardo Salvi adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 8w9 - sx/sp - 854 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, SLI dalam socionics."


Padre Salvi was the town curate of San Diego and the successor of Padre Damaso. Possessing a rivalry with the town's alferez, he later orchestrated the downfall of Crisostomo Ibarra, manipulating the townspeople in the process.

Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Padre Bernardo Salvi
