Figure tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Figure? Figure adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 854 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, SLI dalam socionics."

I feel like Te really suits this guy.


Figure is a guaranteed spawn in rooms 50 and 100. It is fully blind, with an amazing sense of hearing to compensate for it. If the player walks too close to it or makes too much noise, it will begin to rush toward them. To avoid Figure, the player must crouch when walking and maintain a healthy distance to keep it from hearing them. When Figure hears a player, the only way to escape is to hide in a Wardrobe. If Figure follows the player to the Wardrobe, it will prompt a short minigame where you must press Q and E (or left and right mouse) to time your heartbeats and keep Figure from hearing you.

Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Figure
