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Ira Blood tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Ira Blood? Ira Blood adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 9w8 - so/sx - 954 di enneagram, RCUAI dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

You guys have his enneatype SO SO wrong! 5w4 is the complete opposite of him. And 9w8 sounds good as a summary but when you get more into it, it doesn't fit him. He doesn't use his routine to avoid problems, among other things. I think the enneatype that fits him best is 2w3. He understands the needs of other, shown when he was concerned for Neil when he showed signs of having a crush and when he thought Neil was working a suspicious job. He seeks acceptance and accomplishment, probably best shown by the fact that he's a streamer. He enjoys group settings, he has no problem with talking to his roommates, in fact he seems to enjoy it. I think he would repress his negative emotions. He hated his home life as a kid, but he never really brings it up or thinks about it. And I feel like Ira would hate being disliked and undervalued by others. One of the weaknesses of 2w3 is not acknowledging their own needs. He shows this when he streamed for 3 days straight and didn't sleep or drink blood! If he isn't 2w3, then he would be 3w2 in my opinion.


An English vampire who's also an otaku and an online friend of Neil. He is the one who brings Neil to 1031, as he offers the latter a spare room in the apartment.

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