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Taylor Swift - Midnights tipe kepribadian MBTI

Taylor Swift - Midnights tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Taylor Swift - Midnights? Taylor Swift - Midnights adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 4w3 - sp/sx - 479 di enneagram, RLUAI dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."

Alright so here's what I think now that it's out I don't think Fi dominant is fitting, there's more Te usage than Fi. A lot of the album circulates around dealing with how things are viewed by people (Lavender Haze, Mastermind, a little bit of Anti Hero, Sweet Nothings) or looking for validation or trying to fit in (You're On Your Own Kid, Anti Hero) so there's a strong Je function. Yes emotions were dealt with in depth but there's a tendency of intellectualizing them. Midnights also has lyrics describing the people around, without feelings being considered too often, and even forming decisions based on those set information (leaving a town that felt like a wasteland, prioritizing career over a lover and eventually leaving cause of his complacency or desire of stability, formulating a plan to get a man she likes cause that's what wise women are supposed to do), indicating a good Te. Moving to perceiving functions, I see Ni-Se. Even if it's memories we're dealing with every now and then, there's a trend of overarching lyrics that doesn't give straightforward, detailed examples but provides few words to encompass all the experiences she's taking about (ex. Karma, You're On Your Own Kid, Mastermind, Midnights Rain, Vigilante ****). These indicate Ni (possibly the dominant function) This is a rough analysis tbh so I'm not gonna vote yet but in conclusion, I think for now, INTJ fits the best for the album. What are your thoughts?


Midnights is the tenth studio album by the American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, released on October 21, 2022, via Republic Records. Announced at the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards, Midnights marked Swift's first new body of work since her 2020 indie folk albums, Folklore and Evermore. It is a moody concept album about nocturnal ruminations, written and produced by Swift with longtime collaborator Jack Antonoff.
