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Baizhi tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Baizhi? Baizhi adalah tipe kepribadian ISTJ di mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 514 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

i see si over ni for her after reading some of her character stories! i think there's solid footing for either argument but i would say that baizhi is more grounded and data-oriented than dominant ni users. she operates following reliable, familiar schedules and procedures as stated in her "principles of simplicity" story. she draws conclusions from hard data in her research rather than from her own intuition; it's described that she studies concepts and gets lost within the details until she's sure she grasps them. overall, it comes across as si that guides the te rather than ni. i'll list some voice lines that could support this: THE clearest to me, in her thoughts voiceline: "The world is constantly changing, but every action has its consequences. Like a Goldberg machine, it may seem unpredictable, but if you can trace the steps carefully, you can find a rational outcome... Even if it means sacrificing comfort, I'm willing to go through complex procedures for accuracy." "Despite working in the same department, she was rarely seen engaging in casual conversation or joining in on shared frustrations or moments of levity. Instead, they would find her calmly and methodically analyzing data, seemingly lost in her own world of processing logic." "Baizhi's schedules is meticulously planned... She adjusts her plan as needed, moving forward with precision and purpose." "While her passion for knowledge was admirable, Baizhi's obsession with theoretical concepts had distanced her from reality. She spent hours poring over esoteric texts and conducting simulations instead of enjoying life or making friends." -> trying to explain concepts by connecting them to established patterns and texts "That afternoon, she saw a device larger and more intricate than any before... With pensive eyes, Baizhi examined each part and formed hypotheses on how it functioned." "But there was no time for wonder as her research instincts kicked in, pushing her to record every detail." i am somewhat rusty in typology so lmk if you disagree or if anything seems inconsistent :) peace love main baizhi


—“No, I cannot place my faith in it, but my anticipation stems precisely from this distrust.” —Baizhi is a researcher of sharp intellect and precise methods. Though seemingly aloof, she is affable to knowledge seekers.

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