Park Hae-il tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Park Hae-il? Park Hae-il adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Park Hae-il (born 26 January 1977) is a South Korean actor. He began his acting career in theater, but soon gained the film industry's attention in 2003 with Jealousy Is My Middle Name and Memories of Murder. Park's film career took off, with leading roles in films of diverse genres, including relationship drama Rules of Dating (2005), horror mystery Paradise Murdered (2007), and crime thriller Moss (2010). More recently, Park received Best Actor honors for his performance in the period action film War of the Arrows, which was the highest-grossing Korean film of 2011. He also received critical acclaim for his role as an aging poet in A Muse (2012).

Budaya pop selebriti mirip dengan Park Hae-il
