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Fr Mike Schmitz tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Fr Mike Schmitz? Fr Mike Schmitz adalah tipe kepribadian ENFP di mbti, 2w1 - - 712 di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

I’m pretty sure he’s ENFP although ExFJ does seem possible as a backup type — maybe ESFJ because his Si does feel balanced (which is why I see him as a healthy ENFP), but does anyone have a guess on his enneagram? I was thinking 1w9 seeing how he has a strong sense of morals and right/wrong that come from his religious life, yet at the same time he’s a warm and kind person to all, and his is consistent with the type 1 image as well as their fears. Love this man, btw. Always the best part of FOCUS conferences.


Michael Schmitz is an American Catholic speaker and author, as well as a priest and Director of the Youth and the Young Adult Ministries in the Diocese of Duluth. He is known for his Internet presence, especially his YouTube videos.
