Abu Muslim tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Abu Muslim? Abu Muslim adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 7w6 - sp/so - di enneagram, SLUAN dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

The greatest revolutionary man fighting for Iran's freedom from arabs.


Abu Muslim Abd al-Rahman ibn Muslim al-Khurasani (Persian: بهزادان پور ونداد هرمزد‎, Arabic: أبو مسلم عبد الرحمن بن مسلم الخراساني‎; born 718/19 or 723/27, died in 755) was a Persian general in service of the Abbasid dynasty, who led the Abbasid Revolution that toppled the Umayyad dynasty.

Historis selebriti mirip dengan Abu Muslim
