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Park Rosa (Black Mask/Black Dog) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Park Rosa (Black Mask/Black Dog) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Park Rosa (Black Mask/Black Dog)? Park Rosa (Black Mask/Black Dog) adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 9w1 - sx/sp - 926 di enneagram, RLUAI dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

For now, I voted her as Infp! 1. She gets so much in her head. Indication of Ne aux, also how she always thinks different possibilities if she meets han doryoung. He ask what ifs and what ifs to Nam Wooseob for love advice. Totally Ne tbh. 2. Fi dom. He always focus on her internal feelings, she is always feelings first when it comes to taking decision. She use her Fi, her love for Doryoung when making decision on how to convey her love for him. Notice also how creative and out of the box her ideas are, when trying to convey her unrequited feelings for 2 years for Doryoung 😂. Ne & Fi playing together. It is also an indication of poor Te, which is how her plan and way always failed when it comes to wanting to convey her feelings (also always gets misunderstood). And also notice how headstrong she is when it comes to her moral value especially when confronting Diana. She insisted that loving someone is not a sin for eg. And insisted that Special Police officers are not evil. 3. Si aux. Yes, she is not detailed oriented like Doryoung. She always fails to notice little details around her and end up being misunderstood often because of it. She also knows that it is improper to sleep in a guy's house but due to her feelings for Doroung, she agreed anyway, she also doesn't value Si like how Doryoung is. She gets in a fight with her grandma due to her feelings, not obeying her (Si aux). 4. Te inf. Definitely poor Te. Her plans to make BlackDog seems a nice person and not a criminals always failed. Like how she tried to help the polices as BlackDog but only to get further misunderstood. She also prioritize her feelings first, than thinking, alot. I don't think this needs to be addressed much. Pretty obvious tbh 4.


New Special Criminals/Black Dog Ability: Super Strength and Teleportation

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