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  3. The Dark Artifices (Series)

Manuel Villalobos tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Manuel Villalobos? Manuel Villalobos adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - di enneagram, SCOEI dalam Big 5, LIE dalam socionics."

"extraverted thinking (Te) your dominant function is focused on solving life's problems as efficiently and logically as quickly. you strive to organize and structure your environment so that tasks can be accomplished as quickly and effectively as possible." i think in this regard we can all agree that he is a Te-dom. manuel's ability to arrive at logical and functional solutions in a short time is what made him the influential character he is. "the ENTJ auxiliary function plays a major role in the choices they make and is part of what makes them naturally very strategic people. their secondary Ni works hard to aid their dominant Te, and ensure that they can focus on a sense of efficiency and getting things done the way they prefer." now, i don't think there is even need to explain this. it is literally his description. so, i just don't understand where you see the Si, it's clearly Ni.


literatur karakter yang mirip dengan Manuel Villalobos
