Hyram tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Hyram? Hyram adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

I see very much Fe in his speech pattern that suggests he relates to other people, making him very likable. Si is prominent for the consistency of his skincare philosophy in that he does not stray from his knowledge. This makes him very reliable for any skincare advice, especially from his experience. One qualm I have about this is that his statements can be seen as stubborn, based on his expertise in skincare. This is especially true for his skincare routines reactions. Ne manifests through his occasional ramblings related throughout his talks. I've already explained Ti, which he does not always elaborate further on his reasonings and states it as it is. I actually agree that he makes many valid points for skincare, though I want to see more of his thought process. Personal rant coming up. Although I can trust his advice, I find some flaws in his reasoning, especially when at times, it lacks perspective. I think this concerns using essential oils in skincare. As long as it isn't applied directly to the skin and dilute it with another oil, it will not irritate the skin. It is important to patch test for any skin reactions. Although he thinks it causes irritation, which can be true, everyone's skin is different and some essential oils may work better than others.


YouTube content creator and social media influencer who is recognized for his passion for skin care. His videos featured product recommendations, cleaning techniques, and general dermatological information.
