1. Orang & karakter
  2. Film
  3. Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)

Maya Blart tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Maya Blart? Maya Blart adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 9w1 - sx/so - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Maya Blart is the daughter of Paul Blart and the granddaughter of the late Margaret Blart. She is played by actress Raini Rodriguez in both Paul Blart movies. In the 2nd movie she is accepted into the College UCLA and becomes a student at the end of the movie. She is also the ex-stepdaughter of Amy Anderson. She develops a friendship and crush on Wynn Hotel valet Lane in the sequel.
