Fane tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Fane? Fane adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w6 - - di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, ILE dalam socionics."

my skeleton is a definition of being INTP


"Oh, don't stare. How would you look after aeons in some ghastly crypt? But your people are rather prone to death. Mine are not. And yet when I emerged from my completely unjustified imprisonment, I found them gone, our culture forgotten, any trace of the world I knew all but obliterated. I must even hide my true face beneath an ever-shifting mask for fear you savages will attack me! That is how I wander this strange world, trying to uncover the truth about a history you primitive people never even knew existed."

Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Fane
