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Randy Jade tipe kepribadian MBTI

Randy Jade tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Randy Jade? Randy Jade adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 649 di enneagram, RLUAN dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

Okay, so I was shocked to see the majority votes for ISFP and 2w1. Randy literally screams introverted sensing. The whole thing about being like a hermit crab and staying in your shell. So screaming introverted sensing is the opposite of being an extraverted sensing dom like ISFP would imply. Secondly, he doesn't really seem to use a lot of Fi. I'm not sure if he's a ti or te user at the moment but I sure as hell know he's not a Se user. So for now I'm voting ISFJ As for enneagrams how is he 2w1. Do you guys think he likes working his jobs as a swan wrangler or a sex hotline worker? Or like took these jobs to "help people". Also, type 2's tend to do the recusing and want to help but Randy is looking for somebody to recuse him like Phonegingi. I typed him as a type 6 since he doesn't really have a good sense of security or stability and it's really screwing with him. So he is glad to live in the dumpster and wrangle swans because he still has somewhere to call "home" and money to earn even if it all goes to his rent. I put 9 in his tritype because it seems like he tries to maintain his inner peace as much as possible and does not like starting conflicts at all.


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